Wedding Photography Brandenburg
Wedding photos are for many people the most emotional images of their lives. No other day in the life of 2 people, apart from the birth of one’s own children, there are so many beautiful moments that are worth capturing.
Frozen fragments of time, immortalized in artistic imagery. However, many of these wonderful moments are lost because a technically savvy photographer was at work, but beyond that no image poet and seeker for the very special moments.
Wedding Stories in Brandenburg
Your personal story photographed as a modern wedding reportage in Brandenburg. But what makes a wedding reportage different from simple wedding photos?
The reportage is the supreme discipline of photography. No other form of presentation combines so much photographic skill & amp; finesse, the complete love & amp; devotion to the craft and the art of photography, such as the reportage photography.
During my photojournalism studies, something important for a report internalized: “Photography is like music!”. After many years of piano lessons & amp; the later discovered love for the guitar, I internalized this parable very quickly. A good wedding reportage needs a rhythm. To achieve this, I think while photographing like a musician playing his instrument.
A constant interplay, out
close & remote,
loud & quiet,
clear & dull,
bright & dark,
slow & fast,
clear & behavior,
colored & monochrome,
static & elated,
like life itself!
Here you will find selected galleries of Wedding Stories.